Transportation workers in New Jersey, like train operators and airplane pilots, routinely have restrictions placed on their work hours to promote safety. A poll that sought the views of surgeons and operating room nurses on work hour caps discovered a disparity...
Serving Ocean County And Beyond Since 1979 In All Manner Of Legal Challenges
Month: November 2018
Wrongful death time limits and discovery rule considerations
Surviving family members in New Jersey have a right to pursue legal action if wrongful death is suspected. Since such a claim is considered a civil action, however, there are inherent time limits that normally determine how much time is allowed to pass before the...
Five winter safety tips for construction sites
The following are just five tips that construction site owners and managers in New Jersey can consider when preparing for winter. This way, they can prevent employees from being injured on the job. The first step is to inspect the premises for any potholes or uneven...
Surgeon removes woman’s kidney by mistake
New Jersey residents who are considering orthopedic surgery may be alarmed to learn about the case of a Florida woman who underwent such a procedure in 2016. The woman was scheduled to have some bones in her lower back fused to relieve pain caused by a serious car...
Avoiding the nightmare of a wrong-site surgery
Wrong-site surgery, quite simply, should never occur. Hospitals have protocols in place, they have safety procedures that doctors have to follow and they have high standards.Even so, thousands of operations go wrong every year. A doctor operates on the wrong eye or...