There are many ways that discrimination happens in the workplace. People often think of it as losing your job due to your gender, age or race, or they consider being denied a job in the first place. If someone refuses to hire you based on a protected class, that is...
Serving Ocean County And Beyond Since 1979 In All Manner Of Legal Challenges
What are the most common types of workplace harassment and discrimination?
If you are being harassed and/or discriminated against at work, did you know that you may have legal options? No one deserves to be treated this way. Do not just assume it’s something you have to deal with or the type of experience everyone has in your industry. It is...
Has your gender kept you from a promotion?
When you first got hired by your company, you thought they valued diversity. They were hiring an equal amount of men and women for these entry-level positions. You felt encouraged. Ten years later, though, you’re reconsidering your position. The trouble is that every...