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Stand-down events can help keep workers safe

On Behalf of | Apr 17, 2018 | Workers' Compensation

OSHA is partnering with NIOSH and the Center for Construction Research and Training to hold a stand-down event from May 7 to May 11. The National Safety Stand-Down to Prevent Falls in Construction will aim to educate employers and workers alike about the danger of fall accidents. Companies of all sizes are encouraged to participate, and there is no standard way in which employers are required to conduct their event.

Videos, demonstrations and toolbox talks are all ways that companies can talk to their employees about fall prevention. It is also permissible to incorporate a mixture of different methods during such an event. Employers may want to focus on how to inspect equipment or any other topic that is relevant to their company or industry. Falls are the leading cause of death in the construction industry, and they account for one of every three deaths overall for construction workers.

Stand-down events have taken place in every state in America as well as in several countries. They can be helpful for any company that has employees who could be at risk of falling while carrying out their job duties. In 2017, 49 percent of stand-down events were held by companies that had fewer than 25 employees.

Those who fall and hurt themselves at work could be entitled to have their medical expenses paid for. An employer’s workers’ compensation insurance coverage may also pay a portion of lost wages during the recovery period. An attorney can often be of assistance with the preparation of the claim and in ensuring that it is filed on a timely basis.