New Jersey drivers and passengers could face severe damage to critical internal organs from a car accident on the roads. Injuries to the liver, spleen and other internal organs can result from the blunt abdominal trauma that often accompanies car crashes. Every year, over 2 million Americans go to the hospital emergency room due to a motor vehicle accident; of those, a significant number experience bruising or bleeding to internal organs as a result.
Because severe liver damage can lead to death, reducing liver injuries due to car accidents is a major priority. Researchers have found that wearing seat belts can help to mitigate the liver injuries suffered by car accident victims. They studied over 50,000 patients between 2010 and 2015 who were injured or killed in car crashes, categorizing the injuries to their liver as either low-grade or severe. Some of the types of low-grade injuries included blood clots or shallow lacerations while severe injuries included ruptured clots, uncontrolled bleeding and other wounds requiring surgical repair.
They found that 15 percent of the patients had severe liver injuries; of those, 15 percent died. Among those whose liver damage was classified as moderate or mild, 8 percent died. The researchers looked at how preventive gear can help minimize personal injuries due and found that patients who wore seat belts were 21 percent less likely to have a severe injury. When airbags were present as well, patients were 26 percent less likely to have severe damage.
While wearing a seat belt can help reduce the likelihood of severe liver injuries in a car accident, it cannot prevent the damage caused by distracted or dangerous drivers on the roadways. Car accident victims may be able to work with a personal injury lawyer to seek compensation for the damages they have incurred as a result of a crash, including costly medical bills, time away from work and pain and suffering.