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Did your employer offer adequate PPE training?

On Behalf of | Aug 21, 2023 | Workers' Compensation

In addition to providing employees with appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE), employers should train them on how to use and maintain each piece. Some employers offer insufficient training, and some overlook it altogether.

Here are five aspects that employees should be trained on:

When to use PPE

Undeniably, you may be informed about when it’s necessary to use PPE, but your current job may have a hazard that you never encountered in your previous one. Thus, your employer should provide in-depth information about the potential risks in the workplace. 

What kind is necessary

Each PPE tool is designed to offer a particular function. Your employer should inform you of this to avoid wearing PPE that does not protect you as expected. For instance, heat-resistant gloves may not protect you when performing tasks that involve vibration. You should wear anti-vibration gloves to reduce the vibration and shock transferred to your hands. 

How to use it

If you wear, adjust or take off PPE incorrectly, you may be injured. You can be exposed to hazards if your employer fails to train you on these aspects sufficiently. Employers should also encourage employees to report PPE that no longer fits or is damaged.

The limitations of the equipment

PPE has limitations. Depending on how a piece has been designed, it may not protect you in certain circumstances. It’s crucial to understand this to avoid having a false sense of security. 


PPE should be cleaned after use and stored away from contaminants and sunlight exposure to keep it in good condition. Poor maintenance can affect its ability to protect wearers. Your employer should train you on proper PPE maintenance.

If you are injured at work due to a PPE-related issue, consider getting legal guidance to explore your options.