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Defective airbags can add to crash-related injuries

On Behalf of | Jan 25, 2025 | Car accidents

Airbags are designed to save lives by reducing the risk of severe injuries that might otherwise occur during a car crash. However, when airbags are defective, they can cause additional harm rather than provide protection.

Defective airbags have been linked to serious injuries and fatalities, turning a safety feature into a dangerous hazard. Over the past decade, one particularly high-profile airbag recall has been ongoing because millions of affected cars are still unrepaired. If you’ve been injured due to a malfunctioning airbag, understanding your rights can help you make informed decisions when it comes to pursuing compensation.

How can airbags cause harm?

Airbag defects can manifest in a host of injurious ways. Common defective airbag concerns that can lead to harm – during or independent of a crash – include the following:

  • Failure to deploy: An airbag that doesn’t deploy during a collision leaves occupants unprotected, increasing the risk of head, neck and chest injuries
  • Unexpected deployment: Airbags that deploy without warning, even when there’s no collision, can cause accidents and injure drivers or passengers
  • Excessive force: Some airbags deploy with excessive force, leading to injuries such as burns, broken bones and facial trauma
  • Metal fragments that can become shrapnel: Certain defective airbags, such as those involved in the infamous Takata recall, have been known to rupture and release metal fragments during deployment, causing severe injuries or death.

Liability for airbag-related injuries often falls on one or more parties, including:

  • Manufacturers: Airbag or vehicle manufacturers may be responsible if a defect stems from design flaws or production errors
  • Distributors or dealerships: If a defect is linked to improper installation or maintenance, a dealership or service center may be held accountable
  • Vehicle owners or operators: In rare cases, liability may arise from improper modifications to a vehicle that interfere with airbag functionality

Defective airbags can turn a crash into a life-altering event. Thankfully, if you’ve been harmed by a malfunctioning airbag, you have the right to seek justice.