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Difficult effects of a traumatic brain injury

On Behalf of | Jan 28, 2020 | Firm News

A traumatic brain injury impacts many areas of your life. The more severe the injury, the more serious the effects. Some of these are temporary, but many will last a lifetime. They can make it difficult for individuals to live the life they want, and it can also make things hard for their loved ones.

For anyone who’s suffered a TBI and their loved ones, knowing what to expect and what might happen can help to reduce the stress. It also gives everyone a chance to review possible ways to assist the person when they are dealing with some of these impacts.

Changes in sleep patters

The person might suffer from changes in their sleep habits. This could include sleeping much more or less than normal. They might also have trouble falling asleep, which can make them miserable. The changes in their ability to sleep may make them more irritable and less energetic than if they had a full night of good sleep. It might also make them intensely feel the other impacts of the injury.

Emotional and mood differences

A TBI can also change the way a person handles emotions and moods. The person might become more emotional than normal, and they may have trouble expressing those emotions. Irritability and sadness are common after a TBI. They might also start to feel nervous or anxious without fully understanding why. Family members might have trouble dealing with the sudden mood swings that come with this injury. Taking a step back is beneficial in these cases so that they can determine how to address the issue.

Memory and thinking trouble

The damage to the brain can make it hard to concentrate and remember information. Feeling like they are thinking slowly and having trouble thinking clearly are also common symptoms. These can make work and home life challenging because they might not be able to remember how to do simple tasks. Writing out instructions can sometimes help with this symptom.

Physical impacts

The senses are sometimes impacted by a brain injury, so the person might experience changes with how they handle light or sound. Things might smell or taste different than they did before the injury. Trouble balancing, becoming dizzy, having visual changes like blurriness, and dealing with headaches are also possible. There are no easy answers, but trying to find adaptations that minimize these symptoms can help.

If the victim is unable to work or has expenses due to the TBI, they might opt to seek compensation from the liable party, such as the other driver in a car wreck. This can reduce the financial impact on the victim.