You have likely heard people talk about high teen car accident rates. Many times, people frame this as if the teens are irresponsible, reckless and dangerous — but is that really fair?
It’s not. According to the National Safety Council, what actually causes these accidents is that the teens are inexperienced drivers. They just need more practice. Without it, they’re going to cause accidents.
Think of the advantage an older driver has. If someone is 46 years old, they have essentially been driving on their own for 30 years. That’s nearly twice as long as a 16-year-old has even been alive. Of course, the older driver is more skilled and more proficient behind the wheel. If you did anything for 30 years, you would be vastly better at that skill than someone who had only been practicing for a few months. The same is true for driving, which is just yet another skill.
That does not mean that teens aren’t at fault when they cause these accidents. A teen might rear-end you after failing to leave a large enough distance between your cars. That’s still their fault, and they still made an error. But the reason for that error is at least more understandable when you think about how little experience the teen has. It puts them at a disadvantage and it is that which leads to these accidents.
If you do get hit and you’re injured in the crash, you may be able to seek financial compensation for medical bills and related costs. Be sure you understand exactly what legal steps to take to protect your interests. If you’re seriously injured, it may be wise to get assistance.