After a car crash, you look over your body and expect to find cuts or bruising. You may feel a sharp pain due to a bone fracture, dislocation, or torn ligament. But what if you don’t see or feel any significant pain after the accident?
Did you make it through the car wreck unscathed? Not so fast, my friend. While it’s important to have a positive outlook, this is a time where it’s very okay to be skeptical. Sometimes, the enemy is invisible.
But sometimes, the enemy is invisible.
It’s crucial to get evaluated by a medical professional after a wreck, even if you feel okay because delayed injuries are common preceding ana accident.
The five most common invisible injuries people suffer from after enduring a car wreck include:
- Back and neck injuries: Whiplash, pinched nerves and herniated discs are common ailments after an accident due to our bodies being tossed about, making our spine and its vertebrae very vulnerable to misalignments and injury. Numbing and tingling sensations in your extremities can also signify whiplash or a back injury.
- Headaches: From spinal issues to bruising of the brain, numerous reasons cause headaches to develop, many of which may occur during a car crash. Sometimes the headaches subside on their own, but no matter how you feel, get checked out by a doctor. The force applied to our heads during a crash can lead to a concussion or blood clot in the brain.
- Abdominal discomfort: You would think internal bleeding symptoms would show themselves right away, but that’s not often the case. The pain may not present itself until days after the crash, but other symptoms can help you identify that you need help. If you experience dizzy spells, fainting, or identify strange purple bruising, you may be bleeding internally and should seek immediate medical help.
- Behavioral changes: If you notice uncommon and sustained mood changes or mood swings in yourself or a loved one who was recently in a car crash, there is a possibility that a traumatic brain injury (TBI) has been suffered. Other than behavioral changes, TBI’s can also lead to memory lapses, vision problems, hearing issues or depression for the afflicted victim.
The simple answer to treatment is this: the sooner the issue is discovered, the quicker treatment and recovery can begin. No matter our age, invincibility is not a view that holds water in the long term. If you feel you sidestepped injury after a car crash, take the cautious step and be thoroughly evaluated by a doctor. If you ended up suffering a personal injury and feel the other driver was at fault, act on your instinct to seek recovery compensation.